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Special Workshop Operation

-30% and free delivery with the code "VA 2021"

# I support the gallery by offering creation to my loved ones

“There is always a beginning and an end.

I decided to make some room in my studio to work more calmly.

Some of you may see you there as an opportunity to get a good deal. Make no mistake, buying a work of art is still a rare moment in everyone's life.

I am alive and well, we are in 2021 and I can say that all these classic or digital canvases were made with the passion that characterizes me.

I never had any stock, I turn around and all of my designs are with you and I'm so proud of it if you only knew.

It's up to you to click on this link ... and rediscover a canvas that will not leave you indifferent this time. And if in addition the label is reassuring, why deny it?

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Good choice and nice acquisition in advance! "


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